IntroductionA grammer describing this SOAP service is fully described in the WSDL file and the schema file. createUserSummary: This method is used to create a new user account on the PersonalDB server. Remarks: When called, this method checks that the username is unique. If the username is unique, then a database is created and the username and password are entered in a separate database that the server maintains for storing user account information. Note that a server's administrator can configure this method. This may mean that creating new users on the server is completely unsupported. For example, the PersonalDB may disallow local user creation and instead tie user identification to the operating system, LDAP, or some other method. Return: None. Parameters:
deleteUserSummary: This method is used to delete an existing user account on the PersonalDB server. Remarks: When called, this method checks that the password is valid, and if so deletes the user's data and removes the user account. Note that a server's administrator can configure this method. This may mean that deleting user accounts on the server is completely unsupported. For example, the PersonalDB may disallow local user management and instead tie user identification is tied to the operating system, LDAP, or other method. Parameters:
loginSummary: This method validates the password and returns a token that can be used to access the database. Remarks: When called, this method verifies the username and then validates the password. If valid, the user's database is opened, and a token is returned. The token is necessary to access most PersonalDB methods. Return: A string (xsd::string) containing a token that can be used to access most PersonalDB methods. The token string contains only hexadecimal characters. Parameters:
logoutSummary: This method invalidates the token so that it can no longer be used to access PersonalDB methods. Remarks: When called, the token is verified by PersonalDB, and the user's session is accessed. The database and the session are then closed, invalidating the token. Return: None. Parameters:
logoutAsyncSummary: This method invalidates the token so that it can no longer be used to access PersonalDB methods. Remarks: This method performs the exact sequence of operations that the method 'logout' performs. The only difference is the SOAP convention for this method specifies an asynchronous call. By convention, the SOAP client does not wait for a response from the PersonalDB server. This function can be used when one is not concerned about possible failure. Since the client does not wait for a response from the PersonalDB server, it should execute significantly faster then a synchronous call. Return: None. Parameters:
executeSummary: This method executes an SQL statement against the user's database. Remarks: The first parameter to this method, a token, is validated and then
used to look-up the user's database, which should have been opened using a call to the
method Once the SQL database has been retrieved, the method start parsing and executing the SQL statements. Each SQL statement is execute in turn. If any statement contains an error, parsing and execution of the SQL statements stops. The rows from the last SQL statement in the list of statements passed to the method is
returned from the method, provided no prior SQL statement in the same call to Return: personaldb::executeResponse
executeAsyncSummary: This method executes an SQL statement against the user's database. Remarks: The method Return: None. Parameters:
executeBackupSummary: Remarks: Return: A string (xsd::string) containing an XML document that stores the results of the database. Parameters:
createSchemaSummary: Remarks: Return: None. Parameters:
deletePropertySummary: Remarks: Return: None. Parameters:
getPropertySummary: Remarks: Return: A string (xsd::string) with the property's value. Parameters:
getPropertiesSummary: Remarks: Return: A personaldb::executeResponse containing the property values. Please refer to the documentation for execute for more information. Parameters:
setPropertySummary: Remarks: Return: A personaldb::executeResponse containing the property values. Please refer to the documentation for execute for more information. Parameters:
A web services application that provides an SQL database for each user. Users thus have a datastore that can be located similar to an e-mail address ( This data store can be used to store contact lists, memos, and to-do lists in a manner accessible throughout the internet. The format for standard data is specified, so that multiple viewers are possible. |